# Market Interface

# 1. Market Pair Information

HTTP Request

    # Request
    GET /rank/all
    example: https://bydfi.com/b2b/rank/all
    description: market data for all tickers and all markets.

response description

Name Type Status Description
code code Mandatory Status code Note:200 means success and other means failure
msg String Mandatory Prompt information
trading_pairs string Mandatory Identifier of a ticker with delimiter to separate base/quote, eg. BTC-USD (Price of BTC is quoted in USD)
base_Id string Mandatory Symbol/currency ID of base pair
quote_id string Mandatory Symbol/currency ID of base pair
base_currency string Mandatory Symbol/currency code of base pair, eg. BTC
quote_currency string Mandatory Symbol/currency code of quote pair, eg. ETH
last_price decimal Mandatory Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency
lowest_ask decimal Mandatory Lowest Ask price of base currency based on given quote currency
highest_bid decimal Mandatory Highest bid price of base currency based on given quote currency
base_volume decimal Mandatory 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in BASE currency
quote_volume decimal Mandatory 24-hr volume of market pair denoted in QUOTE currency
price_change_percent_24h decimal Mandatory 24-hr % price change of market pair
highest_price_24h decimal Mandatory Highest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs
lowest_price_24h decimal Mandatory Lowest price of base currency based on given quote currency in the last 24-hrs
    # Response
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "success",

# 2. Get Market Depth

HTTP Request

    # Request
    GET /rank/orderbook
    example: https://bydfi.com/b2b/rank/orderbook
    description: full depth returned for a given market pair

request Paramters

name Type Status description
market_pair string Mandatory A pair such as “LTC_BTC”
depth string Recommended Orders depth quantity: [0,5,10,20,50,100,500]. Default depth=100

Response description

name Type Status description
ticker_id string Mandatory A pair such as "LTC_BTC", with delimiter between different cryptoassets
timestamp Integer Mandatory Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the last updated time occurred.
amount decimal Mandatory An array containing 2 elements. The offer price and quantity fyor each bid order
price decimal Mandatory An array containing 2 elements. The ask price and quantity for each ask order
    # Response
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "success",
            "ticker_id": BTC_USDT,
            "asks": [{
            "amount": 1000,
            "price": "50000.18"
            } ],
            "amount": 1000,
            "price": "50000.18"

# 3. Summary for each currency

HTTP Request

    # Request
    GET /rank/asset
    example: https://bydfi.com/b2b/rank/asset
    description: The assets endpoint is to provide a detailed summary for each currency available on the exchange.

Response description

name Type Status description
name string Mandatory Full name of cryptocurrency.
can_withdraw decimal Mandatory Identifies whether withdrawals are enabled or disabled.
can_deposit decimal Mandatory Identifies whether deposits are enabled or disabled
min_withdraw decimal Mandatory Identifies the single minimum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.
max_withdraw decimal Mandatory Identifies the single maximum withdrawal amount of a cryptocurrency.
maker_fee decimal Recommended Fees applied when liquidity is added to the order book.
taker_fee decimal Recommended Fees applied when liquidity is added to the order book.
    # Response
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "success",

# 4.24-hour pricing for each market pair

HTTP Request

    # Request
    GET /rank/ticker
    example: https://bydfi.com/b2b/rank/ticker
    description:The ticker endpoint is to provide a 24-hour pricing and volume summary for each market pair available on the exchange

Response description

name Type Status description
base_id integer Recommended The quote pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.
quote_id Integer Mandatory The base pair Unified Cryptoasset ID.
last_price decimal Mandatory Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency.
base_volume decimal Mandatory 24-hour trading volume denoted in BASE currenc
quote_volume decimal Mandatory 24 hour trading volume denoted in QUOTE currency
isFrozen decimal Mandatory Indicates if the market is currently enabled (0) or disabled (1)
    # Response
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "success",

# 5. Get history order

HTTP Request

    # Request
    GET /rank/trades
    example: https://bydfi.com/b2b/rank/trades
    description:The trades endpoint is to return data on all recently completed trades for a given market pair

request description

name Type Status description
market_pair string Mandatory A pair such as LTC_BTC.

response description

name Type Status description
trade_id integer Mandatory A unique ID associated with the trade for the currency pair transactio
price decimal Mandatory Last transacted price of base currency based on given quote currency
base_volume decimal Mandatory Transaction amount in BASE currency.
quote_volume decimal Mandatory Transaction amount in QUOTE currency
timestamp decimal Mandatory Unix timestamp in milliseconds for when the transaction occurred.
type string Mandatory Used to determine whether or not the transaction originated as a buy or sel
    # Response
        "code": 200,
        "msg": "success",